Publish Date:2023/09/04
报告人:极地研究中心 刘建军
报告摘要:日地系统处于地磁平静期内,地球磁场近乎呈偶极场位型。漏斗状的磁场位型使极区成为地球开向太空的天然窗口,由于磁层空间和太阳风能量粒子注入等的影响,极区空间环境异常复杂。进入21世纪,我国建设了南北极磁共轭的空间环境观测系统,获取了海量的观测数据资料,为探索日地能量耦合系的极区空间环境奠定了坚实的数据基础。南极中山站高频相干散射雷达是我国重要的地基探测设备,该雷达于2010年4月建成并投入常规运行,是目前我国在南极地区架设的唯一一部高频相干散射雷达。2012年,中山站高频相干散射雷达加入国际超级双子极光雷达网(Super Dual Auroral Radar Network,SuperDARN)组织,随后共享了SuperDARN组织丰富的雷达历史观测资料。利用中山站高频相干散射雷达获取的后向散射回波观测数据,针对典型的太阳风暴侵扰地球空间这类特殊事例,同时结合中山站电离层测高仪和周边其他国家的高频相干散射雷达观测数据,系统研究了行星际激波和太阳耀斑与地球空间相互作用之后,极区电离层雷达回波反演的电离层等离子体对流反转、雷达短波吸收、突然相位异常等现象。
报告题目:A comparative study on the hot dense plasma and cold patch by using multi-instrument observations
报告人:山东大学 马羽璋
报告人简介:马羽璋,山东大学博士后,从事极区电离层不均匀体及其伴随的离子上行研究。先后主持自然科学青年基金、博士后面上项目、山东省自然科学青年基金。荣获子午工程2018/2021 年度十大科学与应用成果奖、全国博士后学术论坛青年优秀报告奖等多个奖励。在GRL、JGR 等国际权威刊物上发表论文20 余篇(一作文章5 篇),合作论著1 部。
报告摘要:The polar cap hot patch is an enhanced density structure which is associated with particle precipitation, ion upflow and flow shears. Based on combined observations from DMSP satellites, EISCAT radar, and all-sky imager at the Chinese Yellow River Station, the plasma characteristics and evolution of the hot dense plasma and classical polar cap patch are investigated. Both of them show enhanced F region density, but the hot dense plasma is associated with higher electron temperature and enhanced E region electron density caused by particle precipitation. Compared to the cold patch, the hot dense plasma is closer to the cusp region and is associated with strong auroral emissions. Based on the joint observations, the evolution of the hot/cold dense plasma is discussed. In the initial phase the dense plasma comes from the sunlit lower latitude region, or from particle precipitation in the duskside auroral oval, and is heated locally by poleward moving auroral structures in the dayside auroral oval. Next the patches move poleward into the polar cap where a decaying electron temperature (i.e. less precipitation) gradually transform them into a cold patch.